33:620:301 Study Guide - Final Guide: Collectivism, Business Process Reengineering, Individualism

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Create and communicate a clear vision and direction for the business and fully align the organization in support. Build capabilities for future success while delivering current results by effective balancing long term and short term priorities b. ii. Establish the compelling case and priority for improvement b. ii. Reward & recognize: experts and training c. i. Def: expert and experienced in process, methods, and tolls used in improvement opportunities and establishing effective improvement project mgmt. system and training system c. ii. Train all mgmt. teams: proven methodologies/tools d. i. For control and continuous improvement d. i. 2. of process and products. Utilize advanced statistical methods to improve quality by reducing defects and variability in the performance of business processes by using the dmai^2 methodology d. i. 3. Goal: eliminate all waste in value creation process d. i. 3. c. Identify all steps in value stream, eliminating whenever possible those steps that do not create value d. i. 3. d. Value-creating steps occur in tight sequence so the product will flow smoothly toward customer d. i. 3. e.