10:832:346 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Logic Model, Literature Review, Eval

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Document Summary

Determine achievement of program objectives, program effectiveness: 2. ) Provide accountability to funders, community, and other stakeholders: 4. ) Contribute to scientific knowledge on public health interventions: 6. ) Iv. growth of evaluation field: competition for resources for health programs, growth in emphasis on prevention, a trend in moving towards evidence-based medicine, practices, evaluation challenges, 1. ) Difficult to isolate program effects from real world influences: 2. ) Difficult to separate effects of multi-strategy programs: 3. ) Effects can be hard to detect -> changes small, come slowly or don"t last: 4. ) Restrictions on data collection (financial, time, staff): 5. ) Planners fail to build evaluation in program planning process or do it too late. Impact evaluation- directed at determining whether the program"s short term objectives have been met (predisposing, enabling, and reinforcing factors): changing knowledge, skills, attitudes, policy/environment, and behaviors, 2. ) Outcome evaluation- directed at determining whether the goals of the program have been met, typically examining morbidity and mortality: long term in nature.