01:920:101 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Here Comes Honey Boo Boo, Downton Abbey, Ascribed Status

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* social stratification: how individuals and social groups are divided in society and the inequalities of wealth and power that result (i. e. class divisions) * structured inequalities : -social inequalities that result from patterns in the social structure. Ex: rich people getting treated differently and have access to more resources than the poor. * social class : -the social structural position a group holds relative to the economic, social, political, and cultural resources of society. * systems of social stratification- slavery, caste systems, class. * slavery : a form of social stratification in which some people are literally owned by others as their property; - Total subjection of their owners; extreme example of social stratification. A social system in which one"s social status is given for life; Intimate relationships are restricted to members of one"s own caste. * income (definition and distribution in us) to the interests of individual. Money received from paid wages and salaries or earned from investments.