01:960:201 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Dependent And Independent Variables, Convenience Sampling, Block Design

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Selection bias occurs when a convenience sample is taken. Statistical significance is when the observed response is too big to plausibly attribute to chance. Hidden bias is bias that can occur without the researcher knowing it. Response bias occurs when a questionnaire or oral interview in not anonymous. Voluntary response bias occurs when the sample is self-selected. Lurking variables are variables that are not being studied but have an effect on the response. Random sample is one in which every member of the population has the same chance of selection. An experiment is when a treatment is imposed by the researchers on experimental units. Systematic sampling uses a system to obtain a sample. Self-selected sample occur when people participate voluntarily. Lack of realism occurs when the subjects of treatments or setting of an experiment may not realistically duplicate the conditions we really want to study. Judgement samples occur when an expert chooses the sample.