ENS 304 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Inverse Relation, Collagen, Hemoglobin

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The main consensus is that diets are effective for short-term weight loss and activity is beneficial for longevity, mortality, and morbidity. Health: any movement, activity, exercise that elicits a physiological adaptation to improve qualitative/quantitative measures of health. Fitness: any activity or exercise that elicits general improvements in one or more health-related parameters of fitness. Bottom line: inverse relationship exists between physical activity and premature morbidity - **inverse-dose response relationship. Recent research suggests that shorter-duration, more-intense, anaerobic interval-type exercise can improve aerobic function, health parameters, and even performance. Neat (non-exercise activity thermogenesis): energy expended for everything we do excluding sleeping, eating, physical activity/exercise - can be standing or fidgeting. Can reduce premature morbidity and mortality, and improve mental and emotional health. Basically any kind of movement (neat) is better than none at all!!! Explain neural involvement in stretching (i. e. , autogenic inhibition, reciprocal inhibition) and the organelles involved.