REL S 101 Study Guide - Final Guide: Upanishads, Bodhicitta, Sadhu

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27 Jul 2015

Document Summary

Source of relg and cultural narrative through multiple experiences: rig veda: most central, hymns and poetry, many gods/deities, yajurveda, samveda, atharvaveda, agni veda: to ignite, fire in sacrifices, indra: god of thunder, lightning, rain, god of vitality and fertility, life source of power, fights for the aryans, upanishads: 900 600 bce, philosophical reflections of the vedas, esoteric interp, (cid:224) away from the sacrifice (meditation, more familiar hindu practices, yoga practices, introduces karma,samsara,moksha,atman. Leads to ramayana and mahabharata: ramayana: journey of king rama, 7books (cid:224) politics, romance, philosophy, multiple versions (oral), much of dharma is derived from this story, each character exemplifies the dharma, mahabharata: chiefly concerned with the dharma, 2 royal families (pandavas ad kauravas, engaging in battle, arjuna (p warrior) and lord krishna (vishnu, arjuna faced dilemma, did not want to fight, bhagavad gita, conversation between kisha and arjuna: chief philosophical text in.

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