SOC 105 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Concerted Cultivation, Melting Pot, Miele

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Document Summary

Aggregates: a simple collection of ppl who happen to be together in a particular place but do not significantly interact or identify w/one another. Groups: a collection of ppl who regularly interact w/one another on the basis of shared expectations concerning behavior & who share a sense of common identity. >primary groups = intense, emotional & usually face to face interaction & strong sense of commitment, we , strict conformity (ex: family church, sports team) >secondary group = less intense versions of primary groups, joined to achieve a specific goal (ex: distant relatives) > us (ingroups) versus them (outgroup) distinction used to manufacture a sense of belonging to a group. Organization: group w/identifiable membership that engages in concerted collective actions to achieve a common purpose (hierarchy) >formal organization: designed to achieve its objectives, often by means of explicit rules, regulations, & procedures.