NURS 3590 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, Spina Bifida, Neural Tube Defect

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Hepatitis b surface antigen, sickle cell screen or hgb electrophoresis/thalassemia screening, hiv, varicella titer if woman is unsure about chickenpox exposure or vaccination, urine, urinalysis, urine culture tests for glucose, protein, nitrates, and leukocytes at each visit. Second trimester (weeks 14-26: ppd or serum test for tb, triple/quad screening, 1. High levels associated with neural tube defects (ntds: spina bifida, omphalocele) Low levels associated with downs syndrome and other chromosomal abnormalities. Risks for ntds: history of disease in prior pregnancy, folic acid deficiency, pregestational diabetes, teratogen exposure: 2. hcg. Elevated levels of human chorionic gonadotropin associated with fetus with trisomy 21 in 1st trimester and 2nd trimester: 3. Increases accuracy of screening for down syndrome in women <35yo. Elevated inhibin levels indicate possibility of down syndrome: check for diabetes, glucose tolerance testing, may start with post-prandial, random, or fasting, repeat hct/hgb as needed, ultrasound, 16-18 weeks, for fetal screening; earlier for dating or problems.