WFSC 302 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Accipitridae, Caprimulgiformes, Dynamic Soaring

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Review from 2nd exam (need to know for third exam) Limbs with carpals, tarsals, and digits (phalanges) Amniote characteristics (includes, testudines, lepidosaurs, archosaurs, and mammals) Evolved in carboniferous period of paleozoic era. Archosauria originated in permian, but took off in mesozoic. Extinctions and glaciations continue, but entering a warming period. Age of the dinosaurs and life diversifying after the permo-triassic extinction. Breakup of pangea ongoing throughout the jurassic. By late jurassic, central atlantic ocean separating africa from eastern north. America and eastern gondwana had begun to separate from western. South atlantic ocean fully open; higher sea level due to new rifts in ocean basins. India separates from madagascar and is moving northward towards eurasia. North america and europe connected; australia and antarctica. Flowering plant radiation and 2nd insect radiation. General blossoming of life (mammals taking off) but then an asteroid impact. Massive extinctions from dust cloud darkening of earth.