MCOM 325 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Advertising Mail, Aflac, Asian Americans

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Make a relevant connection between a brand and its target audience. Return: relevant to target audience (relatable) demographics/psychographics. Impact rational/emotional: emotional selling points are more powerful than rational ones. Difference between brand identity and brand image- elements of brand identity. Brand image: your experience of the brand, the pu(cid:271)li(cid:272)"s perception of the company or brand. Image is formed every time a consumer sees an ad. Brand identity: a strategically planned and purposeful presentation of itself to gain a positive image in the minds of the public, the (cid:272)o(cid:373)pa(cid:374)(cid:455)"s prese(cid:374)tatio(cid:374) of itself, everything people see and hear, components, name, ex. Components: brand image, your experience of the brand, brand positioning, what makes the brand stand out, how do you differentiate, brand personality. If you saw brand as a person, what personality traits: brand loyalty, brand promise, brand identity. Characteristics of diverse target audiences that advertisers should take into account when developing campaigns.