CH-0001 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, Collective Responsibility

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Less calories, more physical activity: fifty years ago, children did not avoid obesity by making healthy choices; they simply lived in an environment that provided fewer calories and included more physical activity for all. Until a healthier (cid:858)eat less, (cid:373)o(cid:448)e (cid:373)ore(cid:859) e(cid:374)(cid:448)iro(cid:374)(cid:373)e(cid:374)t is (cid:272)reated for toda(cid:455)(cid:859)s (cid:272)hildre(cid:374), lifest(cid:455)le i(cid:374)ter(cid:448)e(cid:374)tio(cid:374)s (cid:449)ill fail. (cid:863: how can unhealthy food environments be improved, government programs like snap, menu labeling, food taxation, etc. Individual responsibility for health behaviors: collective responsibility- addressing sdoh and at risk populations, food taxation. Session 10 outline: excess tax on expensive foods, create a barrier preventing people to purchase food, most broadly attempted with sugar sweetened beverages. Other: bowen et al, governmental policy, menu labeling, food taxation. Environments: neighborhood-level food availability (community nutrition environment, availability and affordability of healthy foods in retail outlets (consumer. Nutrition environment: (cid:862)this review focuses on environments that affect dietary quality and energy intake (i. e. , nutrition environments).