PSIO 201 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Vitreous Body, Reflex Arc, Withdrawal Reflex

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Sensory function is when info goes to the brain and spinal cord via cranial and spinal nerves, uses afferent neurons. There are five types of special senses: olfaction, gustation, vision, balance/equilibrium, and hearing. Reflex is a rapid automatic response to a stimulus. The hypothalamus function is to control and integrate the activity of ans and pituitary glands. The insula lobe integrates autonomic info, associated to visceral function. Nucleus is a cluster of neuronal cell bodies in the cns. The diencephalon is the container fro the third ventricle. Olfactory receptors respond to an odorant when binding of the odorant leas to the formation of camp in the receptor cell. Refraction occurs when light passes from one medium into another. The stimulus has to be transduced into an electrical signal. The first step of sensory transduction is a stimulus arrives at receptor and. Epithalamus is located superior and posterior to the thalamus. Sympathetic/parasympathetic location is vagus. alters membrane potential of receptor.