PSY 383 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Allostatic Load, Hans Selye

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Stressors: most definitions of stress focus on _____ the relationship between the person and the environment, the process of primary appraisal involves the evaluation of one"s _____. Meaning of the event: the process of secondary appraisal involves the evaluation of one"s _____ personal resources, the fight-or-flight response _____. Involves arousal of the sympathetic nervous system and the endocrine system: selye"s (1956, 1976) studies of the general adaptation syndrome investigated _____ responses to stress. Adrenocortical: the first phase of the general adaptation syndrome is _____. Alarm: the last phase of the general adaptation syndrome is _____. Exhaustion: the correct sequence of phases of the general adaptation syndrome is _____. Exhaustion: according to its critics, selye"s (1956, 1976) model _____. Fails to consider the role of psychological appraisal in stress: one of the criticisms of selye"s model concerns the fact that _____ produce the same endocrinological responses.