BIO SCI 100 Midterm: 3

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Ccb research: 2 dimensions: taxonomic(organisms)&organization/concerns studying rhythms. Bioclock studio: student design resources about circadian bio: howsleepworks: melatonin(pineal gland) cause drowsiness/lower body temp. cortisol- adrenal gland, form glucose/blood sugar/enable anti-stress/inflammatory fxn, growth hormone-restore/repair process of body, secreted in non-rem sleep (testosterone too). Thyrotopin (tsh) suppressed during sleep: circadian clock=scn(regulate sleep-wake cycle)=hypothal=one clock in each hemisphere, zietgebers check accuracy-w/out this, unbalanced system. Fully awake=eeg =scribbles. 3 stage of quiet sleep: stage n1:4-7cycle/sec, theta wave,body temp drops, muscle relax, eye side to side. (not same for everyone), stagen2:spindles occur, brain wave speed, disconnects sensory input, process memory. Pulse slow 20-30%=blood flow less to brain=cools you, deep sleep = not in 65+: rem-restore mind/learning/memory. -bp increase. flight-flight response. body doesn"t move despite much movement.