BIO SCI 100 Midterm: 1

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Document Summary

Volume: page (no spaces in #"s: 1-10: bloom"s taxonomy- knowledge> comprehension>application>analysis>synthesis>evaluation(highest cognitive function, anderson: remember>understand>apply>analyze>evaluate>create(switched last 2 with bloom) affective objective (krathwohl):receiving>responding>valuing>organization>characterization by value, biosis: life sciences(bio, botany, zoo,micro, physio, biochem) and journals, pubmed:biomedical/medical (healthcare) and journals. Topic: broad to specific, use refinements: biosis: major concepts, doc types, source title, research area, open a, experimental hypothesis is 3: casual (after null/confounding ruled out-if a, then b), Rival(confounding- exp design important to expect this), null(no diff variables other than chance: focus on memory, long term: explicit(declarative):autobiographical info, factual info, words. Implicit (procedural): muscle muscle memory, tasks, movement: short term: readily available info for a short time/ small/finite, confounding variable= variable that wasn"t control, damaging validity of experiment/ correlates with both independent and dependent variable.