CHEM 132B Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Haplogroup R2A, Term Symbol, Magnetic Quantum Number

136 views3 pages
4 May 2020

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False. z share the same set of eigenfunctions. Indicate whether the following statements are true or false: spin-orbit coupling is a negligible e ect in all atoms. False: in the clebsch-gordan series, the total angular momenta j of individual electrons are combined to form the combined total angular momentum j. False: when the spin angular moment of an electron couples with its orbital angular moment, states that were initially degenerate are split, which implies that now the number of states has increased due to spin-orbit coupling. False: we can both know the magnitude of the total angular momentum and its projections mj along the z-axis. The electron resides in the 2p orbital with an magnetic quantum number ml = 0: give the full expression for the wavefunction 2p(r, , ). 4 2 (cid:18) 1 a(cid:19)5/2 re r/2a cos : determine the angles for which the probability of nding the electron is zero. cos = 0 = .