ZOO 3733C Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Trigeminal Neuralgia, Stylohyoid Ligament, Sella Turcica

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Levator angular orgs: elevates the angle of the eye. Motor branch of cranial never v is the mandibular n. Cn vii. innervates all of the facial expression muscles. First branch of cnv innervates tip of nose- ophthalmic. Sella turcica has sinuses on each side: cavernous sinus, cn iii-vi, thrombosis blood clot and abscess. Very important to treat infections in this area because of this. Trigeminal neuralgia (tic doloreux): compression of the trigeminal nerve- pain along the 3 branches of the trigeminal nerve but esp on maxillary and mandibular. Hyoid bone is a u shaped bone that is connected to the skull by the stylohyoid ligament: located in the neck. Sternocleidomastoid is innervated by cnxi: congenital torticollis: when muscle is ruptured in baby during delivery. Head turns to the side and faces away from the a ected side: spasmodic torticollis: acquired later on in life, b/w 20-60 years of age.