HIST 2B Final: History 2B Final Study Guide

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30 Mar 2017

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Rulers expanded upon older cultural traditions (byzantium, persia, the caliphate) to legitimize themselves, and used monumental building to glorify imperial centers. Ongoing warfare and internal threats (frontier warfare; disloyal elites) were stimuli to autocratic centralization. 1100-1400: turkish settlement of anatolia after defeating byzantine empire: absorbing byzantine territory and subjects, population converts to islam. Asia minor- divided into warring principalities: small turkish tribes, fragmented when the ottomans emerge. Ghazi tradition: holy warriors on islam"s frontiers. Byzantines weakened by latin occupation (1204-1261: civil wars, crusades. 1354: ottomans enter europe: fighting against the byzantines and occupying abandoned cities, expand territory in europe, occupy european city. Successful use of cannon vs. city"s land walls. Constantine xi dies in battle: last byzantine emperor. Conquest of the balkans, danube region (14th-15th centuries: conquered greece, yugoslavia. Domination of eastern mediterranean: threat to the papacy. Conquest of mamluk empire (syria & egypt), 1516-1517: ongoing warfare with shiite people of iran, draft locals into armies.

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