PSYC100 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Cognitive Revolution, Wilhelm Wundt, Psychoanalysis

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Exam 1: science of psychology: what is psychological science, scientific study through research of the mind, brain, and behavior, what is critical thinking and how is it related to. Psychological science: systematically questioning and evaluating information using well supported evidence, what biasis do humans have to evaluate information, conformation bias: ignoring evidence because of your own beliefs. Believing events are related to one and other: ex: lucky socks = win game, relative comparisons: The way something is exposed determines how someone will interpret it: ex: 1x2x3x4x5 vs 5x4x3x2x1, hindsight bias: Accepting something after the fact: mental heuristics: It"s the first thing that comes to mind: self serving bias: Failing to see our own inadequacies: timeline of foundations of psychology, philisophical roots experimental structuralism functionalism gestalt. Philisophical roots: nature vs nurture: argument about psychological characteristics being acquired through biology or through education, experience, and culture, mind and body: are they separate or is the mind subjective to the brain"s experiences.