PSYC350 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Romanian Orphans, American Middle Class, Twin

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PSYC 350 Exam 2
o Measuring Intelligence
Wechsler Scales (most common)
WISC: 6-16 years
WPPSI: 3-8 years
Research and clinical
Individually administered
Many sub-tests
o Half measure verbal skills
o Other half non-verbal
o Receive verbal IQ score and performance IQ score, and a total
Validit oes, eause the test a’t easue eethig (soial
skills, cultural competency, real world skills, level of experience
poverty may lead to a lack of real world experience)
Geared toward American middle class
Newer approaches
Attempts to create entirely nonverbal tests, because verbal tests tend
to be biased
Tests trying to measure your ability to learn, rather than what you
actually have learned
Distribution of IQ scores
Normal curve
Most common score: 100
95% of people are between 70 and 130
o Stability of IQ
Predicting childhood IQ from infant behavior
4-8 m.o.
o 3 variables predict IQ
Visual reaction time: when you show a baby something
new, how fast do they look at it? The faster, the higher
the IQ.
Habituation: how quickly do babies habituate to
repetitive stimuli? The faster, the higher the IQ.
Preference for novel stimuli over familiar: the more
babies prefer novel things over familiar things, the
higher the IQ as children.
o Predict with correlation of .45
Longitudinal stability for groups but fluctuations for individuals
The closer together two time points are, or the older kids are, the more
accurate predictions are
Some kids are very stable, but others fluctuate much more widely
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Over half of kids fluctuate over 20 points from one measuring point to
IQ is a measure of intellectual performance at one point in time
o Genetic Influences on IQ
Bouhad’s eie of adoptio ad ti studies
Genetic influence increases with age
Over time, from age 3 to 15, identical twins remain fairly similar (around
80% correlation) on IQ. Fraternal twins begin fairly similar (80%
correlation) to much less similar (50% correlation). This huge gap
suggests over time, genetics become even more important.
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o Environmental Influences on IQ
Look agai at Bouhad’s hat
For example, unrelated siblings (no genetics) still have a 34%
correlation, and for almost everyone, correlations are stronger when
reared together
O’Coo’s stud of Roaia adoptees
UK adopted babies between 0-6 months
3 groups of Romanian adopted babies (age at adoption), 0-6 months, 6-
24 months, 24-42 months
Babies were previously living in Romanian orphanages, in extreme
deprivation, staying in cribs and not developing properly, and
udestaffed so the did’t get uh iteatio
Avg IQ at age 6: UK 117, Rom0-6 114, Rom6-24 99, Rom24-42 90
Statistically significant
Suggests that deprivation led to lower IQ at age 6
Group x Age Interaction
o Row 1: UK
o Row 2: Rom 0-6
o Row 3: Rom 6-24
Age 4 Age 6
o 110
o 117
o 106
o 113
o 92
o 101
o NO group x age interaction
Even though kids improved their IQ over time, lines
never crossed (rom 0-6 never surpassed uk, rom 6-24
never surpassed rom 0-6); never catch up
“aeoff’s stud of hoe isk factors
To determine what factors placed children at risk for having low IQ
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Document Summary

Intelligence: measuring intelligence, wechsler scales (most common, wisc: 6-16 years, wppsi: 3-8 years, research and clinical, many sub-tests. Individually administered: half measure verbal skills, other half non-verbal, receive verbal iq score and performance iq score, and a total. The faster, the higher the iq: preference for novel stimuli over familiar: the more babies prefer novel things over familiar things, the higher the iq as children, predict with correlation of . 45. Fraternal twins begin fairly similar (80% correlation) to much less similar (50% correlation). This huge gap suggests over time, genetics become even more important: environmental influences on iq. Parental involvement, age appropriate play materials, variety in daily stimulation: subscales for preschoolers, ex. Parental warmth, stimulation of language and academic behaviors. Interactive: responds, turns, mlu distance, quality, repeats, questions, prohibitions, status, gender, birth order, family size, ses, child iq, racial and ethnic differences in iq.