MCB 252 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Microscope Slide, Profilin, Optical Tweezers

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Name: ________________________________________ network id: __________________________________ This exam consists of 60 questions for a total of 175 points. There are 22 pages to this exam. Print your name, section letter, ta"s name, and network id at the top of this page. You have 2 hours to complete this exam. Once a protein or machine is invented, it is (relatively) common to adapt it to different roles: true, false. X = actin filament. 3: consider the two actin proteins on the two ends of an actin filament. Neanderthal genes are still retained in the human descendants of those interbreeding events. 4: you have cloned the gene that encodes a myosin v family member. Your mutation has no other effect on the function of the protein. 5: the image below is a drawing of an experiment discussed in lecture. In this experiment a fragment of the cell was severed from the main body of the cell.