MO 302 Study Guide - Final Guide: Centrifugal Force

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The navy blue angels: have signs/symbols/values/folkways that support solidarity and give meaning to the name. Embrace individual differences and collective identity and goals. Balance managerial authority and team member discretion, autonomy. Manager -- team member -- team as a whole. Interdependence of players is low; fixed positions; members make few adjustments to one another. Players play on the team ; not as a team. Players have fixed positions like baseball, but positions are more interdependent, more mutual adjustment. Players subordinate to the team; play as a team . The spiritual form of group life can be powerful elaborately organized, powerfully symbolized, and strongly felt. Its transcendent ordering, centrifugal force, individuation, and co-active power (power-with) can produce a high level of performance, esp. in tasks that demand close coordination. A contrast to the effect on performance of the animal form group life in. This effect grows with the amount of coordination required.