CHEM 341 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Acyl Halide, Carboxylic Acid, Nucleophilic Substitution
Document Summary
Amide r lo nhz or r co nrz. All have highly polarized undergoes nucleophilic substitution most reactive. Acyl halides named by changing yl halide no hydrogen bond because ending of properties acid to ie replaced by a halogen points the carboxylic. 04 group is lower melting and boiling synthesis halogen replaces oh group and oft leaves with leftover reagent common reagents 5042 pclz pts or. 1 0 ta o r d conversion similar into esters reaction to hydrolysis reaction with alcohol e conversion into amides nucleophilic subtitution with amines f friedal crafts acylation g reduction. Cooh group releasing water acyl chloride as the act on a on heat. Dlc or dicyclohexylcarbodiimide reactions anhydrides are more stable and less reactive so reactions are slower two molecules of carboxylic into converts hydrolysis exposed to water a acid when. Conversion into amides cleaved by ammonia to produce an amide and a carboxylic acid.