BIO 325 Study Guide - Final Guide: Growth Medium, Tata Box, Ribonucleoprotein

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Review Outline for Final Exam Summer 2017
Focus on the lecture slides, and remember to check the updated slides on Canvas to see
which topics were excluded.
Questions will be straightforward, no tricks, so don't overthink them!
Majority of questions will be multiple choice.
PLEASE CONTRIBUTE :-) It builds good karma
Chapter 2
• Understand both Mendel's laws (Equal Segregation and Independent Assortment).
Alleles of a gene segregate so that each gamete receives one copy.
Alleles of different genes display independent assortment during gamete formation.
• Phenotype and genotype ratios resulting from different types of crosses, like monohybrid,
dihybrid and testcross.
Monohybrid ratio: 3:1 or 1:2:1 (incomplete/codominance)
Dihybrid ratio: 9:3:3:1
Testcross ratio
If all 1 phenotype, then the unknown is homozygous dominant
If 1:1 ratio, then the unknown is heterozygous
Chapter 3
Difference between codominance, incomplete dominance, complementation, pleiotropy,
F1 hybrids express phenotypes of both parents equally
Ex: Red flower X White flower → Striped flower with red and white stripes
Incomplete dominance
F1 hybrids differ from both parents and express an intermediate phenotype
Ex: Red flower X White Flower → Pink Flower
A single gene determines more than one distinct and seemingly unrelated
Ex: Sickle-Cell Syndrome
■ Hbßs allele affects multiple traits: sickling of red blood cells, resistance to
malaria, recessive lethality
An allele of one gene masks the effects of another gene’s alleles
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Ex: Coat Color in Labrador Retrievers
Homozygous ee hides effects of black (B-) or brown (bb) alleles and
results in a golden coat color
The e allele is epistatic to the B locus
When one dominant allele of each of two genes is necessary to produce a
Example: Deafness Inheritance Patterns
Two genes control whether the person will be deaf or not, being
homozygous recessive in any of the two genes or both will result in the
deaf phenotype
AAbb X aaBB → AaBb Unaffected offspring
AAbb X AAbb → AAbb Deaf offspring
When the two deaf parents are homozygous recessive in one of
the two genes, the offspring will all be affected (deaf).
When the two deaf parents are homozygous recessive in
different genes, the offspring will all be unaffected
Penetrance and expressivity
Percentage of a population with a particular genotype that show the expected
If some people of a certain genotype do not always express the respective
phenotype of that genotype, the trait is an example of reduced penetrance
Degree or intensity with which a particular genotype is expressed in a phenotype
A phenotype expressed at different levels in different individuals with the same
genotype is an example of variable expressivity
Chapter 4
Know the parts of a chromosome, homologous and nonhomologous chromosomes,
autosomes and sex chromosomes
Parts of a chromosome
The middle part of a chromosome where the two sister chromatids
Different positions of centromere
Metacentric: Centromere is more or less in the middle
Acrocentric : Chromosome is very close to one end
Telocentric : Near end at telomere
Homologous vs nonhomologous chromosomes
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Homologous chromosomes contain the same set of genes, size, shape, and
banding patterns
Genes may carry different alleles of the same genes
Nonhomologous chromosomes carry completely unrelated sets of genes
All the chromosomes that are not sex chromosomes
Human have 23 pairs of chromosomes
22 of the chromosomes are autosomes and one pair are sex
Sex chromosomes
The pair of chromosomes that determine gender
XX is the female genotype
XY is the male genotype
Mitosis and meiosis – what happens in the different stages of each and how alleles behave
through these processes.
Meiosis produces our gametes
Results in four haploid daughter cells after two rounds of meiosis
Ensures that every single somatic cell in the body carries the same set of
Results in two daughter cells identical to the parent cell
Steps of Mitosis
Period of cell cycle between divisions/cell growth and replicate
G1 - birth of cell → beginning of chromosome replication/cell growth
S - duplication of DNA (synthesis phase)
G2 - end of chromosome replication → beginning of mitosis
Chromosomes condense (DNA is packaged)
Chromosomes move towards an imaginary equator line
Homologous chromosomes arrange themselves in a line next to their
Homologous chromosomes are pulled apart by spindles towards opposite
sides of the cell
Separation of sister chromatids allows each chromatid to be pulled
towards spindle pole connected by kinetochore microtubule.
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Document Summary

Chapter 2: understand both mendel"s laws (equal segregation and independent assortment). Alleles of a gene segregate so that each gamete receives one copy. Alleles of different genes display independent assortment during gamete formation: phenotype and genotype ratios resulting from different types of crosses, like monohybrid, dihybrid and testcross. If all 1 phenotype, then the unknown is homozygous dominant. If 1:1 ratio, then the unknown is heterozygous. Chapter 3: difference between codominance, incomplete dominance, complementation, pleiotropy, epistasis. F1 hybrids express phenotypes of both parents equally. Ex: red flower x white flower striped flower with red and white stripes. F1 hybrids differ from both parents and express an intermediate phenotype. Ex: red flower x white flower pink flower. A single gene determines more than one distinct and seemingly unrelated characteristics. Hb s allele affects multiple traits: sickling of red blood cells, resistance to malaria, recessive lethality. An allele of one gene masks the effects of another gene"s alleles.