PSY-220 Final: Final Exam Study Guide Broken Down (WITH BLANKS)

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Final Exam Study Guide Broken Down
Brain Areas for Final:
Pre Frontal Cortex
Basal Ganglia
Classical Conditioning
Before the organism has been conditioned, there are two things being observed
o The unconditioned stimulus (US): Any object or event
___________________________ in the subject, when the subject
notices the object/event
o The unconditioned response (UR): The ____________________
reaction to the US
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After the conditioning, there are four things being observed
o The ________
o The ________________
o The conditioned stimulus (CS): A formerly _____________stimulus that
has been paired with the US, until the subject responds to either one with an
involuntary / reflexive reaction
o The conditioned response (CR): The UR … but in response to the ______
Operant Conditioning
Operant conditioning is ______________________-
o Reinforcement: If you want to __________ a target behavior, you provide the
subject a stimulus (incentive) that will motivate them to do so
o Punishment: If you want to _________ a target behavior, you provide the
subject a stimulus that will motivate them to do so
o Positive Reinforcement: If you do what I want you to, I will give you a reward
(allowance, food pellet, gold star)
o Positive Punishment: If you do what I don’t want you to, I will give you a
punishment (time out, electric shock, spanking)
“Positive” OC: means ___________________________ they do the target
“Negative” OC: means _________________________ after the target behavior
o Negative punishmentTake away your phone, ground you
o Negative reinforcementSitting in my daughter’s room until she does her
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Primary Difference between Classical and Instrumental Conditioning
In instrumental conditioning: the individual’s ________________determines
the outcome reinforcer or punishment
In Classical Conditioning: the CS and US occur at certain times ______________
of the individual’s behavior
People to Know:
Ivan Pavlov _____________________
John Watson… Not true father of behaviorism
Conducted the (in)famous __________________________
Only published ____________ on operant conditioning in his
Hid the fact that Little Albert was _________________________
B.F. Skinner: The first (and most famous) ________________
o Created the “Skinner Box”
o Established (with theory AND evidence) the principle that reinforcement and
punishment would work equally well, if done correctly
o Systematically showed that more practice = ________________
o Showed that we can learn __________getting the “reinforcer” every trial
(called partial reinforcement schedule)
E.L Thorndike: __________________________
o Thorndike worked with __________________
o Built ever-more __________________ escape mechanisms from the cages
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Document Summary

Brain areas for final: hippocampus, pre frontal cortex, basal ganglia. Classical conditioning: who, before the organism has been conditioned, there are two things being observed, the unconditioned stimulus (us): any object or event. Positive oc: means ___________________________ they do the target behavior. Negative oc: means _________________________ after the target behavior: negative punishment take away your phone, ground you, negative reinforcement sitting in my daughter"s room until she does her homework. In instrumental conditioning: the individual"s ________________determines the outcome reinforcer or punishment. In classical conditioning: the cs and us occur at certain times ______________ of the individual"s behavior. 3: hebb (1949) differentiated between two types of memory, _______________________________________, ______________________________________, baddeley and hitch: proposed idea of ____________________, h. m famous case when ______________ was removed to prevent epileptic seizures. ________________________________in the elderly is associated with decreasing memory. Drugs to remember: caffeine and ritalin enhance learning by ______________________________, ginkgo biloba mild benefits for a small percentage of ____________________, bacopa monnier removes _______________________________