NSC-2201 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Adrenal Gland, Motor System, Portal Vein

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15 Jan 2018

Document Summary

Last synapse onto alpha motor neuron to affect behavior/movement: motor unit: alpha motor neuron and all muscle fibers it contracts innervation ratio large ratio (1-300) = less control. Small ratio (1-5) = fine control motor neuron pool: less subtlety in movement when at max exertion, control of contraction, 1. Fire at maximum ap frequency: muscle spindle = proprioceptor close to alpha motor neuron, tells length of muscle fiber, fast motor units: pale muscles, fewer mitochondria, anaerobic, slow motor units: red/dark muscle, many mitochondria, aerobic (sustained contraction) Intention tremor involuntary, increases at end of movement: alcohol affects cerebellum, targets small granule cells in cerebellum, depression of cerebellar activity, leads to clumsiness. Hyperarousal: adhd treatment, methylphenidate/ritalin = dat antagonist, atomoxetine/stratten = net antagonist, d-amphetamine/adderall = reverses da efflux by dat, pulls da out of cleft in those with adhd. Into cleft without adhd: mdma = empathogen, hallucinogen, higher affinity for serotonin transporter than serotonin.