HLSC 2P21 Chapter Notes - Chapter 7: Acculturation, Mincome, Intersectionality
Document Summary
How a variety of social factors such as education, income, gender, ethnicity, culture, work environment, social roles, and aging strongly influence the etiology, course, and outcome of disease. Some are situated at the individual and family level, other within the community and the larger structural organization of society. Historical roots of the social determinants of health. Engels and virchow made the link between living and working conditions & health. Politic and economic structures that create inequalities are to blame. Medical care was not the biggest determinant of health. Health lifestyles: ways of living that promote good health and longer life expectancy: getting 7-8 hours of sleep, eating breakfast regularly, not snacking between meals, co(cid:374)t(cid:396)olli(cid:374)g o(cid:374)e"s (cid:449)eight, exercising, limiting alcohol intake, never smoking. Participaction was an effort to use media to educate canadians about healthy behaviour and promote individual lifestyle change. Examined social and political reasons why the presumed close connection between health and health care persists.