RELI 216 Chapter Notes - Chapter 5: Abrahamic Religions, Sub-Saharan Africa, Arabs
Document Summary
Judeo christian tradition refers to how christianity continued from judaism to develop in the european milieu. We"(cid:448)e (cid:271)ee(cid:374) usi(cid:374)g the ter(cid:373) (cid:862)bi(cid:271)li(cid:272)al faiths(cid:863) to des(cid:272)ri(cid:271)e the 3 (cid:373)ajor religio(cid:374)s that deri(cid:448)e their i(cid:374)spiratio(cid:374) from the bible: judaism, christianity and islam. Another term would be the abrahamic faiths, noting the connection that all 3 have with the biblical ancestor as a foundational figure. Today, musli(cid:373)s a(cid:272)(cid:272)ou(cid:374)t for 1/5 of the (cid:449)orld"s populatio(cid:374) about 1. 2 billion but most westerners know little about their faith, islam, which continues to be one the fastest growing religions. Westerners also associate islam completely with the arab world. Islam began in the arab world, however only 15% of muslims are arab. 30% of muslims live on the indian subcontinent. There may be as many as 50 to 70 million muslims in china. There are muslims in virtually every country on the globe.