RELI 216 Chapter Notes - Chapter 5: Abrahamic Religions, Taqwa, Omnipotence
Document Summary
The judeo-christian tradition refers to how christianity continues from judaism to develop in the european milieu. The 3 biblical faiths that have derived their inspiration from the bible are: Another word would be abrahamic faiths, noting the connection that all 3 have with the biblical ancestor as a foundational figure. Today, musli(cid:373)s a(cid:272)(cid:272)ou(cid:374)t for (cid:1005)/5 of the (cid:449)orld"s populatio(cid:374) (cid:894)a(cid:271)out (cid:1005). (cid:1006) (cid:271)illio(cid:374)(cid:895) (cid:271)ut (cid:373)ost. We associate muslims with the arab world, however, only a minority of muslims are arab (about 15%) Muslims are all over the globe; their interpretations of the quran vary from culture to culture and are usually influences by their histories and political environments. Islam emerged as a very tolerant faith towards the earlier biblical religion. Jews and christians were the recipients of earlier valid revelations from god, or allah. Muslims are the people of the book, the bearers of true revelations.