PHIL-360 Chapter Notes - Chapter -START-WISNEW.: Spider Riders, Christian Mortalism
Document Summary
According to williams two conditions must exist for immortality to be good (conditions of desirability 323 but outlined by fischer) If we are to stave off boring, the individual must be entirely absorbed in what they do (phaedo outlines this as intense intellectual activity). Williams notes that it may not, in fact, to be constantly in this state. Concerning attractiveness: intense intellectual inquiry does (cid:374)ot satisf(cid:455) all i(cid:374)terests a(cid:374)d desires. I(cid:374) regards to ide(cid:374)tit(cid:455), i (cid:449)ould(cid:374)"t (cid:271)e (cid:373)(cid:455)self if i li(cid:448)ed a full i(cid:374)telle(cid:272)tual life, since that is not something i desire right now to be entirely absorbed in activity means to lose oneself (loss of identity) If we remain only intellectual, are we really still ourselves. Attractiveness condition: eventually the body will break down (immortality will eventually break down and our interest in it as well) Williams case of em: follows option e williams on the evil vs. good of death.