POLI 211 Chapter Notes -Thomas Hobbes, Social Distance, Byrsonima Crassifolia
Document Summary
The links between the design of political institutions the and the patterns of governance that variations in structural characteristics generate. Africa viewed as over-centralized , subjected to predatory regimes, facing deficits in policy and governance. Governance: the process by which human beings manage their collective or public lives. The way they manage conflicts and provide public goods. Governments (organization) are formal structures that engage in governance (process), structured by written and unwritten rules. 1)define procedures to identify desired outcomes (set goals) 2)classify actions that are relevant to these outcomes as required, prohibited, or allowed (establish strategies) 3)identify persons and procedures to observe and report on rule-governed actions (es- tablish policing) 4)identify persons and procedures to apply rewards and sanctions to individuals as ap- propriate given their actions and the rules (establish courts) 5)define procedures to change outcomes desired, rules and procedures, as agreed to by those living under the governance regime (establish learning mechanisms. )