POLI 211 Chapter Notes -North American Free Trade Agreement, Social Market Economy
Document Summary
The contrast between mexico and north america is a big preoccupation. There was the problem of pulling the country out of its crisis. Fear that the market model might be threatened. When problems arise, the solution is to deepen reforms. It took 51 years, 45 administrations and much strife after independence from spain in. 1821 before a mexican leader of any note had a chance to die quietly at his desk. Then, 35 years of dictatorship followed by a decade of civil war. The institution revolutionary party has been in power since 1929 (pri). A lot of power in the hands of the president but a limited term of six years. Presidents come and go but the permanent entrenched bureaucratic class remains. Elections are a formality done to give legitimacy to the party. Main left wing opposition party: the party of the democratic revolution.