POLI 211 Chapter Notes -Harmonious Society, Hu Jintao, Vestment

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One of the world"s largest economies but under threat from the resistance to further re- form. Legitimacy of authoritarianism socialism enables china to make decisions efficiently, organize effectively and concentrate resources to accomplish large undertakings. Intense domestic security, police assault on civil society, activists, bloggers, artists. In march 2013, a younger generation will take over the politburo. (incidents?) The president (hu jintao) and mr. wen will step down. Struggle to monitor china"s economy through consumption rather than exports and in- vestment. Their lending to overcome the financial crisis will lead to a big debt in china. The china fantasy: why capitalism will not bring democracy to china - james mann: it suggests that china"s current system of modernized, business-supported re- pression could well be vastly more established and entrenched. Next year"s changes in the leadership will bring on a new generation of privileged politi- cal heirs .

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