PSYCH 3AC3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 3: Literature Review, Casual Sex, Sociosexual Orientation

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Theoretical views, conceptual distinctions, and a review of relevant evidence. To determine which sex has a stronger sex drive. Literature review of many studies to include a wide variety of samples and methods. Sex drive refers to the sexual motivation, usually focused on craving for sexual activity and sexual pleasure. Intrinsic motivations for sex are desiring it just in itself, while extrinsic motivations include procreation or power. Sexual capacity is the maximum limit of sexual activity that someone can do. Sexual enjoyment is the amount of pleasure that one derives from sexual activity. Basically, men have more frequent and more intense sexual desires than women, meaning their sex drive is stronger than females. Every day: half of men, one fifth of women. Men"s fantasies occur more often, include different partners, and have a wider variety of sexual acts. 91% of men and 52% of women experience sexual desire several times a week or more.

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