NURS 1112 Chapter Notes - Chapter 25, 29: Health Promotion, Role Theory, Role Conflict

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Components of self-concept: identity: involves the internal sense of individuality, wholeness, and consistency of a person over time in various circumstances. Identity distinguishes us from others, and is influenced by age, gender, social class, ethnicity, and culture: body image: involves attitudes related to the body, including physical appearance, structure, or function. Feelings about body image include those related to femininity and masculinity, youthfulness, sexuality, health, and vitality: role performance: the way in which individuals perceive their ability to carry out significant roles. An individual"s perception of competency in a role may or may not match other people"s evaluation: self-esteem: an individual"s overall sense of self-worth or the emotional appraisal of self-concept. It represents the overall judgement of personal worth or value. It is positive when a person feels capable, worthwhile, and competent. It is shaped by the individual"s appraisals of how he or she is perceived by significant others.

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