SLGY 2232 Chapter Notes - Chapter 6: Agusta, Alf Landon, Nonprobability Sampling

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In may 2011, the conseervative party won the largest percentage of the population vote in the federal election. During the week prior to the election, several national polls were conducted. The key is probability sampling that involves random selection. The process of selecting observations is called sampling. Key to generalizing from a sample to a larger population is probability sampling o this involves random sampling. Example of candidate alf landon the literary digest conducted a poll of 10 million people listed in telephone directories and owners of automobiles: in 1936, o results landon 57%, roosevelt 43% The company used quota sampling ensuring that an equal number of men/women, blacks/whites, rich/poor were all represented. However, it used the 1940 census and a lot of people had moved to cities. Two major types of sampling o nonprobability sampling o probability sampling. Any technique in which samples are selected in some fashion not suggested by probability theory.

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