PSYC 370 Chapter Notes -Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor, Palilalia, Orphan Drug
Document Summary
Psychiatric disorders: disorders of psychiatric function severe enough to require treatment. Problems with diagnosing from the dsm. Patients with the same disorder often have different symptoms. Patients with different disorders often have the same symptoms. Schizophrenia splitting of psychic functions. The original characteristic function was thought to be lack of integration among emotion, thought, and action. Positive symptoms: excess or distortion of normal function. Difficulty carrying out daily tasks. Negative symptoms: reduction or loss of normal function. Alogia: reduction or absence of speech. Avolition: reduction or lack of motivation. Diagnosis: experiencing any two of the above symptoms for at least one month. Current view of the etiology is that of a stress- diathesis model. Early factors that increase risk of developing schizophrenia. Chlorpromazine: first discovered antischizophrenic drug. Studies found that chlorpromazine does not decrease extracellular dopamine levels, and that it increases dopamine metabolite levels. The conclusion was that chlorpromazine binds to da receptors.