ENT 601 Chapter Notes - Chapter 2: Business Model Canvas, Customer Development, Iterative And Incremental Development

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Chapter 2 the path to the epiphany: the customer development model. Strategy: a clear strategy for a start-up is needed since their primary objective is to validate its business model hypotheses. Then it moves to execution where they need more strategies and plans. Process: the processes used to organize and implement the search for the business model are: Customer development model breaks out all the customer related activities of an early-stage company into four steps. Customer discovery develops plan to test customer reactions to those hypotheses and turn them into facts. Customer validation tests whether business model is repeatable/scalable. Customer creation builds end-user demand and drives it into the sales channel to scale the business. Company-building transitions from start-up to company. Agile development refers to the rapid deployment, iterative development and continuous discovery process that hardware or software companies can use. A pi(cid:448)ot is (cid:374)ot a failure it"s a learning process.

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