GMS 200 Chapter Notes - Chapter 13: Management Information System, Human Resource Management, Business Intelligence
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The management process of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling is driven by informaion. Analyics: describes the systemaic evaluaion and analysis of informaion to make decisions. Informaion technology: helps us acquire, store, and process informaion. Informaion needs of organizaion: informaion exchanges with the external environment. Provide public informaion: informaion exchanges within the organizaion. Informaion systems: use the latest technologies to collect, organize, and distribute data for use in decision- making. Management informaion system (mis): speciically designed to meet the informaion needs of managers in daily decision making. Informaion technology is breaking barriers and changing organizaions. Managerial advantages of it uilizaion: planning advantages. Beter and more imely access to useful informaion. Involving more people in planning: organizing advantages. Problem solving: the process of idenifying a discrepancy between an actual and a desired state of afairs, and the taking acion to resolve it. Decision: choices among alternaive possible courses of acion. Success in problem solving depends on using informaion to make good decisions.