GMS 200 Chapter Notes - Chapter 13: Design Thinking, Availability Heuristic, Group Decision-Making
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Catastrophes such as hurricane katrina, the haiti earthquake, floods in calgary, tsunamis in japan have caused many organizations to lose their reputations for their failure in their response capabilities. Analytics: management with analytics involves systematic gathering and processing of data to make informed decisions. Information technology: helps us acquire, store, and process information. Management information system: use it to collect, organize, and distribute data for use in decision making. It is revolutionizing the business world by helping improve communication of information and improves the speed of the decision making process. Decision: a choice among possible alternative courses of action. Systematic and intuitive thinking: systematic thinking: approaches problems in a rational and analytical fashion, intuitive thinking: approaches problems in flexible and spontaneous fashion. Managers who are intuitive can be expected to deal with many aspects of a problem at once. Intuition balanced by support from good solid analysis, experience, and effort can be a great combination.