ITM 102 Chapter Notes - Chapter 5: E-Commerce Payment System, Technology Strategy, Web Banner

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Document Summary

E-commerce defined: e-commerce: use of information systems, technologies, and computer networks by individuals and organizations to carry out transactions in order to create or support the creation of business value. Includes all types of computer networks, transactions, and business relationships and models. Online equivalent of retail store as well as other services www. chapters. indigo. ca / www. telus. ca. Electronic exchanges between companies http://wwre. globalsources. com (worldwide retail exchange) Online sales to government agencies, as well as electronic payment of taxes www. doingbusiness. mgs. gov. on. ca. Electronic payment of taxes as well as purchase of various types of licences www. netfile. gc. ca. Business models deal with how internet companies, and traditional companies using: having great e-commerce business model will not generate profit if not associated with website that brings in customers or visitors. Information density: quality and quantity of information about products and services of interest to them: ability of buyers to obtain endless amount of information creates new business challenges.