ITM 102 Chapter Notes - Chapter 8: Web 2.0, Social Computing, Semantic Web
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29 Mar 2011
Document Summary
Chapter 8 web 2. 0, social media, and online. Invitational design: finding online ways to welcome new people into a group and making it sale for them to learn and master the norms www. notesolution. com. Legal risk arise related to privacy protection (i. e. freedom of. Information and privacy protection act: must be able to comply with privacy and security laws of a country. Indirect messages, whether based on fact or fiction, are increasingly more potent than any equivalent direct message from the company itself, and can put the brand at risk. Creating business util ity using social media tools. Phase 1 early on, marketing"s use of it technology rested solely on gathering and using e-info data: offering methods of buying products and services online or introduce store or dealer locator features to making buying easier. Phase 2 as the web began to grow, most companies began to use it as a way to communicate directly with their customers.