ITM 102 Chapter Notes - Chapter 6: Data Mining, Sql, Data Dictionary

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Information: data that have been organized and are useful to the person. Knowledge: when a person combines experience and judgement with info. Wisdom: adds insight and ethics to the experience and professional judgement inherent in knowledge allows leaders to perceive underlying meaning/nuances of a business situation + ensures knowledge from all relevant perspective, disciplines, and sources is considered in final decision. Explicit knowledge: readily codified (textbook, knowledge about website) Tacit knowledge: gained through experience, insight, discovery (lessons learned) Involves discovery, analysis, transformation, synthesis, communication of data, info, knowledge (recommending investment portfolio to clients) Discovery: finding of data/info/knowledge relevant to a task, problem, issue, opportunity (context) Analysis: investigating, examining data/info/knowledge -breaking down the whole into more discrete parts to better understand how it works; what is happening and why? . Transformation: use results of analysis to deepen understanding of data and info- organizing discovery results. Synthesis: interpret trends/patterns that seem to explain past +present -sum of the parts.

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