MHR 523 Chapter Notes - Chapter 8: Instructional Design, Espn Bottomline, Blended Learning
Document Summary
Orienting employees recruitment and retention includes well-integrated orientation, before and after hiring new employees, clear understanding of policies, expectations, procedures long-term onboarding reduces turnover, increase morale, less corrections, fewer employee grievance, reduce workplace injury. Content of orientation programs internal publications (handbooks: disclaimer statements of company policies do not constitute employment contract facility tour job-related documents expected training to be received (when and why) performance appraisal criteria. Hr specialist working hrs. and vacation. Hr follow up ~3 mths, remaining questions supervisor nature of job, colleagues, workplace (cid:862)(cid:271)uddy(cid:863)/(cid:373)e(cid:374)tor (cid:894)fe(cid:449) (cid:449)ks/(cid:373)ths(cid:895) Multi-location organizations: new employee know where the other locations are and what business functions performed each location, equal access, same message. Business and training goals are aligned, training part of org. strategic plan. Highly knowledgeable workers training as investment human capital: need work in: problem solving, comm. , teamwork i(cid:373)pro(cid:448)e e(cid:373)ployers" training can strengthen employee commitment implies faith in the future of company and indiv. employee, continuing developmental opp. reciprocated.