BUS 393 Chapter Notes - Chapter 4: False Imprisonment, Punitive Damages, False Arrest

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Nature of torts: tort committed when one person injures/harms another"s person/property/reputation. Chapter 4 intentional torts: this gives the right to sue/seek remedy (ie injunction, punitive damages) normally, monetary award for damages as compensation: must distinguish crimes from torts. Crimes = conduct so serious it poses threat to society: prosecution done in criminal court where goal is to punish wrongdoer, not compensate victim, tort = private. Victim sues person responsible for injury: possible for a victim in crime to sue for tort, also distinguish from breach of contract. Special = cover actual expenses/calculable losses: vicarious liability employer can be held liable for employees" tortious acts at work. Intentional does not mean wrongdoer intended harm, only that conduct itself was wilful (as opposed to inadvertent) Assault and battery: aka trespass to person = intentional physical interference with another person, assault person thinks they are about to be struck (ie points gun, fakes punch, motive/good will of attacker not relevant.

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