PSYC 325 Chapter : psyc 325 - ch 7 definition - autobio memory

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Most certain = memories are accurate; memories are detailed= confidence = strong. Cannot remember episodically events from earlier infanthood= so info. About ourselves about then = semantic in nature. Both episodic and semantic memories can be about our individual life story major theory that organizes research on autobiographical memory = hierarchical model of autobiographical memory + working self. Term episode too vague can ether mean isolated instant or an extended event. Details lindon; precise moments in time; events extended but continuous memories. Exact moment shark flashed by = lasted for a second, then shark gone); event (ex. Adrenaline rush in body and concern about air supply from watching angelfish) May have similar general event memory for class you took year ago = don"t remember any specific classes, but have generalized memory of classroom, where sat, what learned. Our lives = filled with repeating cycles of work, school, exercise, bed rituals, etc.