NURS 2031H Chapter Notes - Chapter 2: Randomized Controlled Trial, Thick Description, Participant Observation
Chapter 2- Research Paradigms (p. 13-31)
- People come to health research from many perspectives.
- Canadian researchers have made important contributions to the study of
intersectionality: the ways in which race, gender, and class combine to influence
population patterns of morbidity and mortality.
- Conceptualize health as both a personal trouble and a public issue
oPersonal trouble: researchers seek to understand the lived experience of disease-
how it affects individuals and their families
What sense can be made of suffering?
How do people understand their conditions?
How do they make sense of risk?
oPublic issue: look beyond the biographies of individuals, and seek to understand
the acts of history, culture, economics, and politics that shape our capacities to
lead healthy lives.
Examining local bylaws that enable or restrict the location of fast food
Analyzing laws to restrict tobacco advertising
- “Seeing the connection between personal troubles and public issues,” sociologist C.
Wright Mills
othe dual nature of diseases as both biological and social demands understanding
both trouble at the level of the body and the mind, and public issues focusing on
health policy and SDH.
What is a Research Paradigm?
- Reflects one’s beliefs about what constitutes knowledge and how that knowledge is to
be generated.
-Epistemology: branch of philosophy concerned with the nature and definition of
knowledge and truth.
oDefines the types of data that would be considered valid and useful
oEx: A researcher may privilege data collected from large nationally
representative random samples using validated survey question. Another may
focus on personal narratives from a few key informants.
Critical realism
-Ontology: The branch of philosophy concerned with the nature of reality.
oDo we study things that can be considered “objective entities”, things that have
a fixed reality that is independent of our perspectives? Or do we study social
constructions, fluid things that change depending on our POV?
Objectivism: researchers study phenomena that exists as external
objects; their characteristics are independent of our perspective.
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Document Summary
People come to health research from many perspectives. Canadian researchers have made important contributions to the study of intersectionality: the ways in which race, gender, and class combine to influence population patterns of morbidity and mortality. Conceptualize health as both a personal trouble and a public issue: personal trouble: researchers seek to understand the lived experience of disease- how it affects individuals and their families. How do they make sense of risk: public issue: look beyond the biographies of individuals, and seek to understand the acts of history, culture, economics, and politics that shape our capacities to lead healthy lives. Examining local bylaws that enable or restrict the location of fast food restaurants. Seeing the connection between personal troubles and public issues, sociologist c. Wright mills: the dual nature of diseases as both biological and social demands understanding both trouble at the level of the body and the mind, and public issues focusing on health policy and sdh.