GEOG 2510 Chapter Notes - Chapter Module: Canadian Shield, Ecumene, Staples Thesis
Document Summary
Region: occupy a geographic space on earth"s surface, have a location, have a boundary around them which separates them from other regions (edges may be fuzzy); we can define why we say a certain area is a region. Uniform region: identified through its most dominant characteristic or criteria; natural regions can be defined by the dominant physical characteristic (ex. Boreal forest, geologic regions like the precambrian shield) or socially constructed in character (ex. Functional region: selecting criteria to define a functional region, could be based of its dominant economic function, political function, social function; aims to identify and demonstrate what makes the region tick or how it functions (ex. Fishing as an important primary industry, where political parties tend to win in elections) Ecumene: encompasses the populated and settled area of the country (not the variation across the country in distribution of population)