PSYC 2390 Chapter Notes - Chapter 8: Optical Flow, Motion Perception, Retina
Document Summary
Motion helps us understand events in our environment: most of what we see is because of motion. Think about body language and how it impacts how we perceive someone"s attitude. Or how we can fill up a glass with water: it also helps us move through the environment. This movement is called optic flow: optic flow: the flow of stimuli in the environment that occurs when an observer moves relative to the environment. Forward movement causes an expanding optic flow whereas backward movement causes a contracting optic flow: called the optic flow field (forwards or backwards) Motion agnosia: an effect of brain damage in which the ability to perceive motion is disrupted: wouldn"t be able to follow conversation, pour coffee, walk, etc, people would suddenly appear and disappear. Attention capture: the ability of motion to attract attention. Real motion: the physical motion of a stimulus: examples: car driving by, people walking, bug moving, etc.