PSYC 2450 Chapter Notes - Chapter 2: Psychosexual Development, Dream Interpretation, Falsifiability
Document Summary
When it is all of these things, it may reveal new information even if disconfirmed. Said we are driven by motives and conflicts of which we are unaware and that our personalities are shaped by our early life experiences. Freud"s view of sex was very broad & shifted from one part of the body to another and each shift brings on a new stage of psychosexual development. Unconscious motivation: ppl focused on conscious experience (sensory processes, perceptual illusions) 1st proclaimed that vast majority of psychic experience lay below level of conscious awareness. Influence of early experience on later development. Initiation of studies on the emotional side of human development (love, fear, anxiety, etc. ) No instrument to measure id, ego, superego. Erikson stressed that children are active, curious explorers who seek to adapt to their environments, rather than passive reactors to biological urges who are molded by their parents.